Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Analysis Of Miss Havisham s House - 958 Words
Setting: I believe that the setting of this book is between the late1800’s and early 1900’s in England. This is important because it influences the way they dress and the way they speak. I don’t think this story could take place anywhere else because the way they dressed and spoke isn’t very common in many places. Also, the way the places are described in the book, making it sound like England. The book says that Pip moved to the wonderful London. Another setting in the book was Miss Havisham’s house. Dickens describes Miss Havisham as the â€Å"witch of the place.†In the beginning of the book Pip spends most of his time there. There Pip meets the lovely Estella where he falls in love with her. He also meets the old\ Miss Havisham a old woman that helps and hurts him. Miss Havisham and the beautiful Estella live alone with servants. At Miss Havishams house Pip and Estella play cards when he stays there. At her house Miss Havisham has a room full of bugs and old food from her wedding. Another Setting in the book is his warm house. This setting is important because it’s where his adopted family lives and it is really close to him. His house is out in the middle of nowhere near a cemetery. His house is also the blacksmith shop. He lives with his mean sister and her nice husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gargery. After his sister dies he leaves his house to go to London. Character: The Main Character of the book is Pip Pirrip. In the beginning of the book he is very young and livesShow MoreRelatedCharles Dickens Great Expectations1942 Words  | 8 PagesDestructive revenge is never justified. Unfortunately for Miss Havisham, this realization does not occur until near the end of Charles Dickens novel, Great Expectations. Although Miss Havisham s desire for revenge is understandable and natural, it conflicts with her moral maternal obligations in raising her adopted child, and now almost two centuries later, through psychoanalytical analysis, her narcissistic history may be seen as forewarning of the generations to come. Great Expectations is aRead MoreDifferences Between Two Female Characters2042 Words  | 9 PagesThe most important aspect of comparison between two female characters is that each of two deny change forcefully and getting stuck in the past. It was noticed by pip when he first met Miss Havisham that â€Å"her watch had stopped at twenty minutes to nine, and that a clock in the room had stopped at twenty minutes to nine†.(Great Expectations 101)One of the most astonishing trait of her character is that she stuck herself in the time when she was deserted by her lover. She was joyfully getting readyRead MoreGreat Expectations for All Essay1835 Words  | 8 Pagesyoung Pip lives in impoverished house in Kent, England with his sister, Mrs. Gargery and her husband, Joe Gargery, a blacksmith. Here he is constantly beaten into submission by his caring sister. When these beating fail to correct Pip he is then subjected to the atrocious tar water. Then one evening while masquerad ing as a pleasant hostess, Mrs. Gargery learns of a splendid opportunity for Pip, the privilege to travel to a wealthy mistress’s house, Mrs. Havisham’s house. Unbeknown to Pip, he is the
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Vi. Contingencies. Unexpected Events In The Marketing Plan,
VI. CONTINGENCIES Unexpected events in the marketing plan, sales projections, revenue and unpredictable target market reaction, depend on factors outside Wolf’s control. As a result, contingencies necessary to mitigate those risks include provisions for action when the unexpected results materialize. The following table of risks is an attempt to identify the sources of uncertainty and analyzes the likelihood of an event taking place. It includes a potential risk, an evaluation of the level of probability and impact, as well as plans to mitigate those risks. Internal: RISK PROBABILITY IMPACT MITIGATION Loss of key marketing personnel High Med Incentive plans. Each team member will share in the success of the project at the conclusion of†¦show more content†¦If not, then outsourcing legal counsel is required. Underperforming referral process Med High Training is key to the success of this undertaking. Team members need to fully understand the importance the hospital referral process is to the success of the operation. Hospitals need to be given an incentive to refer patients. First and foremost is a quality product that they would want to send their loved ones to. Competition High Low When the word gets out that the solution is generating revenues, the competition will follow. At that time Wolf will be the market leader, so the impact will be low. Natural disaster Low High In the event of a natural disaster, the team will follow the company’s disaster recovery plan. Miscalculating target market Med High Perform thorough market research. Survey potential customers. increase in costs Med Low Build in contingency costs into the Budget Surge in demand Med Low The impact of a surge in demand effects cash flow. This is a case where operational expenses increase more than expected putting a great demand on cash. This positive results problem needs to be communicated immediately to the executive team. Reduction to the impact of the risks outlined above, as well as other unidentified risks, depend on continuous monitoring by the marketing team. Therefore, it is essential to add the topic of risk as a line item discussion to the weekly team meetings with documented meeting minutes used inShow MoreRelatedRIXOS Essay6460 Words  | 26 Pagesï » ¿Running head: Rixos Rixos Hotel in Kazakhstan: Rixos President Astana and Rixos Almaty Marketing Project Subject Instructor: Group # Semester Marketing Plan: I. Executive summary II. Current marketing situation A. Market overview i. Market demographics and needs ii. Market trends and target market growth B. SWOT analysis i. Strengths ii. Weaknesses iii. Opportunities iv. Threats C. Competitive and industry analysis D. ProductRead MoreCase Studies from Gareth Jone - Ob8052 Words  | 33 Pagesitself. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
The Provision of Medicare Services-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Identify and Explore how Jehovah's Witness Woman has Potential Impact on the woman and her unborn baby accessing maternity care and receiving quality Prenatal Care. Answer: Midwifery The healthcare sector is one of the most sensitive areas of concern as far as healthy living of every individual is concerned. However, there is a collision of approaches of the provision of Medicare services emanating from the fact that patients are endowed with particular right regarding the choice of medication. The Medicare providers do not have much power to object their patients preferences hence calling on for harmony creation to find a long lasting solution whereby none of the parties will be feeling unconsidered. In particular, the midwifery department proves critical due to the complications underlying the sector. Arguing along that line, Jehovah witness women do not condone the blood transfusion, an activity that could lead to serious health problems. Medically, blood transfusion is very important in saving ones life and enhancing fast recovery. In this case, assessing the impacts of the refusal of blood transfusion by pregnant Jehovah witness woman and her unborn baby wil l be important in gaining the in-depth understanding of the subject. Denial of blood transfusion in a situation of antepartum hemorrhage by the pregnant woman could predict prolonged labor pains during delivery. Actually, during prenatal care, there is a tendency of a pregnant woman to experience antepartum hemorrhage (Hubbard, Waters Yazer, 2015). Labor pains are directly related to the level of hemoglobin the pregnant woman has during delivery. Actually, with a small degree of hemoglobin, blood-pumping nature of the heart to evoke expansion and contraction of vaginal canal will be reduced. Antepartum hemorrhage commonly occurs in the early week of pregnancy. It is worth noting that during such time, the pregnant woman is in dire need of extra blood through a process called blood transfusion. Loss of blood may be internal as well as vaginal. Also, the refusal of the pregnant woman during prenatal care can lead to the formation of the unhealthy fetus. The unborn child might contract sickle cell anemia due to lack of essential blood elements before bi rth (Hubbard et al., 2015). Since the fetus receives food and other key elements of growth through blood, failure to accept blood transfusion will cause abnormal growth of the fetus. Hendriks, Zwart, Brit, Brand and van Roosmalen (2013) posit that inability to receive blood on time from the mother can lead to internal disease infections that could damage the reproductive system to the extent of paving the way for infertility. In fact, hemorrhage may occur during prenatal care due to sexual intercourse. The different weight of the fetus may also prove disastrous hence leading to blood loss (Kidson?Gerber et al., 2016). Hemorrhage implies that some internal organs of the pregnant woman have been injured. In that case, blood transfusion more so installation of white blood cells that take care of immunity and infection, as well as platelets that facilitate coagulation of blood to aid in clotting, is necessary. Injured nature of the reproductive system of the pregnant woman will undoubtedly lead to infertility hence rendering her infertile. Lack of blood transfusion may lead to contracting of anemia by the pregnant woman during postpartum hemorrhage. The implication is that the woman will continue facing challenges regarding blood loss even after giving birth. The situation worsens particularly when cesarean delivery is detected. Undergoing Cesarean implies that a lot of blood will be lost hence putting the mother at risk of dying due to delivery failure (Kim, Lee Kim, 2015). The standard delivery also might call for blood transfusion. Although the child born might be safe after childbirth, there are cases where placental fragments are left inside the uterus. Removal of placental fragments paves the way for hemorrhage hence proving blood transfusion necessary to save the mother from contracting anemia. In conclusion, blood transfusion is essential for the well-being of the unborn child and the mother. White blood cells, platelets, and the plasma are important blood element critical to healthy pregnancy and delivery. Jehovah witness women should consider blood transfusion to evade unnecessary maternal complications. References Hendriks, J., Zwart, J. J., Brit, E., Brand, A., van Roosmalen, J. (2013). The clinical benefit of blood transfusion: a hypothetical experiment based on a nationwide survey of severe maternal morbidity.Vox sanguinis,104(3), 234-239. Hubbard, R., Waters, J. H., Yazer, M. H. (2015). Heterogeneity in Blood Product Acceptance Among Antenatal Patients of the Jehovah's Witness Faith.Obstetrics Gynecology,126(5), 974-977. Kidson?Gerber, G., Kerridge, I., Farmer, S., Stewart, C. L., Savoia, H., Challis, D. (2016). Caring for pregnant women for whom transfusion is not an option. A national review to assist in patient care.Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,56(2), 127-136. Kim, T. H., Lee, H. H., Kim, J. M. (2015). Recommendations for postpartum hemorrhage in women who decline blood transfusion.Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica,94(7), 786-786.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Truth About Falling Water free essay sample
Water falls. No, I did not say â€Å"waterfalls,†as in a river rushing over a cliff. I mean water falls – H20 descending from somewhere due to gravity. The first is a sentence, noun and verb, subject and predicate; the other is simply a noun, yet if read aloud, you cant tell the difference. It all depends on your perspective. You see, if I read this to you and you simply  listened, you would have assumed I was talking about waterfalls, the kind people take pictures of. However, Im sorry to inform you that Im talking about something completely different. Its your turn to look at something from my point of view, my perspective. â€Å"Im going for a run,†I tell Dad as I adjust my headphones under my headband. He looks at me incredulously. â€Å"Why on earth would you go right now? Have you looked outside?†He pulls up the blinds in an  effort to prove his point. We will write a custom essay sample on The Truth About Falling Water or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The sky is a heavy gray, pouring rain pounds the pavement. â€Å"Its miserable out there. Much better to stay inside †¦,†he trails off, distracted by something on the computer. â€Å"I think its beautiful,†I whisper as I slip out the door. My feet pound the ground in an unplanned perfection, keeping time with the music in my head. The rhythm is matched by labored breathing and swinging arms. One, two, three, four, breathe. One, two, three, four, breathe. The repetition and relentless rain clear my mind. Just before the road bends to put my house out of view, I turn back for a last look. Our blinds are closed, along with everybody elses. I shake my head in disgust and trudge onward. I cannot forget the image of all those closed blinds. People cannot deal with a storm. But I think its all in how you look at it. Life comes at you full-throttle, theres no way to prevent it, but what you decide to do with it is completely up to you. Rain falls. People look out their window and call it â€Å"nasty.†But do they think about what they are seeing? Precipitation is falling to the ground that has passed through the water cycle for millions of years. This water is sustaining life, and they call it nasty? I see the rain, and I sing praises. The world is being cleansed and renewed. Id say its quite commendable, after all, April showers bring May flowers. When I was in seventh grade, I attempted to play basketball. It was a definite failure, but I tried my best. I sprinted everywhere as hard as I could. One day, after an especially hard practice, every middle school girl in that gym reeked twice as bad as usual. We all stood there, panting, with red faces. Coach Evanow looked at us and flashed a wicked smile. â€Å"Look at all of you! Youre drenched in sweat.†He was interrupted by an exasperated squeal: â€Å"I do not sweat; I glisten!†I looked at the girl who had uttered the ridiculous comment. Her shirt clung to her body, and her hair was plastered to her neck. Either she was sweating, or shed just taken a shower fully clothed. Basically, she looked gross, but I suppose I didnt have much right to talk. However, I did. â€Å"You glisten?†I asked, with my eyebrows raised. Her eyes shot middle-school drama daggers through me, as if her snotty tone wasnt enough to assure me that she didnt approve. â€Å"Yeah, I glisten. Sweating is repulsive and for animals. Im a woman.†At this, she flipped her ponytail and stuck her nose in the air. I snorted and shook my head. Sweat falls. People look at it, and call it  â€Å"disgusting.†But do they think about what they are seeing? Perspiration is the result of a body performing homeostasis, which, in itself, is incredible. You dont need an air conditioner, fan, or any other man-made appliance; your body automatically cools itself. But the reasons people sweat are more notable. If somebody is drenched, think of how hard they must be working. Maybe its gross, but its admirable too. Jesse Jackson once said, â€Å"Sweat will get you change.†To me, sweat is a symbol of courage. It shows that somebody is willing to do all that they can for something. Theyre not afraid. The world has trained them to see – or maybe smell – whats on the outside, and never look for the deeper meaning or explanation. When I was in elementary school I cried one time, and twice in middle school. I hated crying or watching other people cry. I considered it a sign of weakness. I was convinced I was stronger than that, that I could control what was inside me, if not what was around me. How naive. I cant count the number of times I have cried in high school, and Im only a sophomore. But I am not ashamed. In fact, Im proud that I can feel. Tears mean something to me. I believe they are simply an overflow of emotion – it doesnt matter which one. Emotion is beautiful and honest and raw. I cant decide how I felt about the first time I really sobbed. My best friend graduated when I was a freshman. I didnt know what I would do without him, so I just ignored the reality. Suddenly the separation was upon us. It was time for him to move to a new stage of life, and I couldnt be part of it. So, I spent a long time and too much energy avoiding good-bye. I couldnt deal with losing him, but I had to. One evening, with my closest girlfriend standing guard on the bed, I slipped into my closet and dialed a familiar number. In two minutes, my world fell apart. We both knew that we could never be more than friends, even though we both wanted to be. Instead, I choked on the word good-bye. Good-bye to memories. Good-bye to deep conversations. Good-bye to my best friend. I hung up and curled up in a ball on the floor. Its a good thing Kimberly was there to drag me out, or I might have stayed in that closet forever. Instead, she pulled me out and let me weep. There are still mascara stains on my pillow as a reminder of that terrible night. Or maybe, theyre a reminder of all the incredible memories. I lost somebody I loved, but I loved for a reason. He changed my life and made me who I am. Its not fair to focus on the bad, but I would be a hypocrite if I said I never do. It seems easier to remember what hurts, but there were so many more times we laughed than we cried. Maybe those mascara stains are beautiful. Once again, it all depends on your point of view. Crying doesnt necessarily mean you are weak. I cry when people I love move on. I cry when people I love get sick. I cry when I am frustrated. I cry when there are no words to express my joy. I cry when I dont blink for a long time. I cry when I laugh really hard. I cry when I hurt, physically or emotionally. I cry, and I admit it. Tears fall. People watch and call it â€Å"weak.†But do they think about what they are seeing? Technically, tears are the product of a process that cleans the eye, but maybe, they also clean the soul. They are a symbol of genuine emotion, something so precious and true that it cannot be judged. It has been said many times that life is not fair. Life is simply life. You take it as it comes, the way it comes, but it does not control you. Life is what you make it. Water falls. Rain falls. Sweat falls. Tears fall. Water falls, and we assume that the river rages over the edge of a cliff, but maybe were wrong. Nothing we know is truly correct or truly our own idea. Circles can be spun from any idea, contradictions weaving a mess of confusion and chaos. There is no way to be certain of anything, except this: water falls and we have no way of stopping it. What matters is what you do with it, your reaction. You have a choice to make, not necessarily a right or wrong choice, simply a choice. Water falls, and it is our job to catch it or, at times, to let it fall.
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